
Why the reMarkable Isn't Remarkable...and That's Okay

Why the reMarkable Isn't Remarkable...and That's Okay

With my reMarkable, I remove the need to constantly be purchasing notebooks, sketchbooks, and more. While this device does not completely eliminate the need for sketchbooks, it does free me from making impulse purchases on ‘cute’ notebooks and stationary products.

How Google Photos Changed My Life

How Google Photos Changed My Life

Today we’ll discuss how one of their many programs, Google Photos, changes my life. As I mentioned in my article about Minimalism, I was attempting to brainstorm ways to be more conscious of what I owned and used on a daily basis.

Munching on MealPal : The Good, The Bad, The Delicious

Munching on MealPal : The Good, The Bad, The Delicious

I have been using MealPal for two months

MealPal, for those of you who cook and take your leftovers to work, is a subscription based service that allows you to order food from participating restaurants in the NYC area. MealPal is a godsend for people who have the following three traits: You can’t cook, you work in NYC, you are indecisive as heck.